Moon probes


Pioneer 0 to 4

Ranger 1 to 9:


Ranger 7 was launched on 28.07.1964 to the Moon and crached on the Moon surface on 31.07.1964.

Before the crach in the last 17 minutes Ranger 7 transmitted over 4000 pictures from the Moon to the Earth.

Surveyor C and 1 to 7 

Luna Orbiter 1 to 5


Luna 4

Luna 9

Lunik 1            launch 2 of january 1959

Lunik 1  launched with a two step rocket named A-1(V). The mission target was to reach the moon and crash on the moon surface, but Lunik 1 flew around 5600 km far awav from the moon and was since thatbtime the first artificial satellite of our sun system.

Lunik 2            launch 12 of september 1959


Lunik 2  launched with a two step rocket named A-1(V). The mission target was to reach the moon and crash on the moon surface. Mission was successful completed and Lunik 2 crashed on the moon surface 3 days later.



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